RBB Strategies is a full service advocacy firm offering offense and defense analysis and constructs for difficult policy challenges.

Through positive positioning, framing, audience targeting and execution of message delivery, results become evident. At RBB Strategies, we counsel on Crisis Avoidance as well as Crisis Management and strategic staffing responsibility for execution.

“The people paying Rick Berman are getting way more than their money’s worth.”
Rachel Maddow
“Razor-sharp wit and unconventional tactics.”
The Chicago Tribune
“Whatever you call Berman, he’s effective.”
USA Today

About Rick Berman

Prior to establishing RBB Strategies in 2023, Rick Berman established Berman and Company which managed the Employment Policies Institute, Center for Union Facts, Center for Consumer Freedom, the Center for Accountability in Science and several industry coalitions.

Rick has successfully run many education campaigns including those regarding the federal debt, employment mandates, environment, energy policy, school reforms, animal welfare, alcohol, union organizing, health insurance, fake meat and veteran charities.

Berman is a nationally recognized advisor for individuals and business interests facing difficult challenges. While managing his public affairs firm, Berman and Company, Rick and his staff received hundreds of national awards for their clever and memorable advertisements in every medium from billboards and the Internet to commercial spots and PSAs for television and radio.

If you are interested in having a conversation about a challenging business issue you are facing, contact us at: [email protected]

“…pioneer [in the] realm of opinion molding.”
The Boston Globe
“One of the nation’s most prominent corporate activists.”
“…corporate lobbyist skilled in engineering campaigns.”
The Intercept

Selected Media Appearances